
Customer Service

Our dedicated IT team strives to answer calls as soon as they come in. We estimate 98% of calls are answered right away during business hours. On the occasion that calls are not answered immediately, clients are also welcome to either leave a voicemail, text message, or send an email. When we recognize numbers, we will text them to let them know that we saw their call and will get back to them as soon as possible.
As a top Utah IT company, we work hard to respond to all calls within an hour. If the occasion requires for a longer waiting period, we communicate estimated call back time either by text or email.
Yes, absolutely. After 13 years of business, our IT company understands how important it is to communicate in a way that the client understands.
Yes, having adequate IT support benefits everyone when someone's network is running at its peak performance. Employees are happy, which makes the owners happy, which makes our IT company happy. As part of our proactive managed service retainers, we are constantly on the lookout for ways to help our clients, not just in network efficiency, but in many areas revolving around computers, scanners, printers, servers, etc. We even help our clients develop office processes that better utilize their current IT infrastructure.
Yes, our invoices are broken up into hardware and labor. Hardware descriptions are detailed and given explanations as to what the hardware is for. All labor invoices are fitted with the time of service ,if it was on-site, or remote, and a detailed description of what IT services were performed.
Yes. We pride ourselves in professional IT services. We are dedicated and responsive to all of our clients. We have successfully run our IT company for over 13 years because we put our clients first.

Maintenance of Your Network

Yes, with our IT systems in place we get notifications for a wide variety of issues almost instantly. This allows us to proactively work to prevent these IT issues from causing downtime. Our Antivirus system is provided by Webroot, which is an industry leader in security and virus protection. Our backups are constantly monitored and tested for consistency and functionality.
Yes, all our clients that are on retainer are set up to automatically receive three different reports at the end of each month. The first is the Executive Summary report, this report gives owners a high level overview of the overall health of their infrastructure and gives pointers on what areas may need to be focused on. The seconds is an asset summary report. This report gives them a view of all the systems being monitored and protected along with basic stats. This report helps us to determine if there are systems that we may need to plan on replacing. The third report is the Monthly Ticket Summary Report. This report gives a rundown of all tickets either automatically generated by our systems or tickets generated by users as well as the status of those tickets if they were completed or not. This is by no means the limit of our reporting capabilities, we can provide custom reports for clients upon request.
Yes, we do weekly and monthly testing of all data backups including image based backups, the basic file, and folder backups.
Before performing any major changes to servers, or even workstations, we work with the client to ensure they have a reliable, current data backup system in place.
Yes, I have systems in place that would allow me to get an organization back up and running fairly quickly in the event of a disaster. This could include setting up a new server, setting up employees to work remotely from home, moving to equipment to a new office, or setting up the network.

Technical Expertise and Support

Our IT company is 100% located here in Utah. We serve Salt Lake City and surrounding areas. Any service calls, remote or on-site services, are performed and provided by our local IT technicians.
Yes, and yes. We are constantly learning and keeping up with the latest IT business solutions and the latest software technologies to help keep moving your business forward.
Yes, all of our IT professionals are clean, in company uniform, polite and ready to serve you. We visit your location for an initial IT consultation and we want our first impression to be positive. It is important to us to develop long-lasting relationships with local Utah businesses.