Corporate ITIT for the Medical Industry

It is no secret that medical facilities house countless private documents. Keeping personal information private is only one of many IT service needs that businesses in the medical industry should be paying for. Using the right technology in your practice can help you to be productive and manage time in a better way. 

IT Service Needs for Businesses in the Medical Industry


Healthcare Technology

Innovations in the healthcare industry are being rolled out on a daily basis. Healthcare technology is shaping the future of healthcare right in front of our eyes! While advancements in healthcare technology are important for large machines that help doctors do things like see the inside of our bodies, it is also imperative that medical offices consider the needs of patients before and after they visit the clinic. As a matter of a fact, consumer reports have shown that 85% of physicians saw the advantages of digital health solutions in caring for patients. Two telehealth tools that can make or break businesses in the healthcare industry are electronic health records and telemedicine.



Telehealth appointments peaked with the wave of the stay at home orders, but their ability to help doctors streamline patient appointments with the mere touch of a button has made them an asset to healthcare technology. There are benefits to telemedicine for patients as well. Patients can use their smartphones or computers to correspond with a primary care physician and not worry about visiting the doctor’s office in person. Making use of services like instant messaging or teleconferencing do require that medical offices have top-notch support to keep such telemedical apps up to date and functioning correctly. Having an IT company can help prevent unscheduled downtime that cuts into previously scheduled patient appointments – keeping your practice’s reputation clean. 


Digital Health Records

If your practice hasn’t adopted digital health records yet, then it is time to come to terms with the flourishing digital age. Electronic health records systematically collect patients’ health information in organized digital archives. These online records allow doctors to analyze medical conditions with ease as well as saving time that would have previously been spent on data entry. With the digital formation of records comes the need for increased online security. Data breaches on digital health records can result in dangerous HIPPA violations and can cause doctors to lose their medical licenses. Physicians can stay ahead of cyber attacks with constant IT monitoring services.


Outsourcing Tech Needs

There are a number of benefits to outsourcing IT services as a medical company. IT gurus are not a common position in medical offices – therefore your business is spending an astronomical amount of money on training said people as well as the upkeep involved with the programs your office runs. Outsourcing tech needs eliminates the need for this singular position and guarantees your company partners with a true IT company. TEK Utah is happy to provide IT services for businesses of all kinds – including those in the medical industry. Adopting more digital tools can help medical businesses improve practice efficiency, increase patient safety, improve diagnostic ability, reduce physician burnout, and improve the physician-patient relationship. How can TEK Utah help you save time and remain a top-tier medical service provider?